
Congratulations! You should now have a basic understanding of arrays and a completed palindrome algorithm. In this section you'll find links to the resources that make up the arrays module.

Array Basics

  • MDN Arrays - You'll find an explanation of arrays from the MDN docs here.

  • MDN Methods - This MDN page has a lot of array methods, you'll find them on the left side of the screen.

  • Useful Functions - A list of 20 of the most common array/string methods/functions (what's the proper word to use here?) with examples for each.

  • Top 5 - 5 of the most useful methods for beginners to learn, the examples are great!

  • Cheatsheet - An impressive compilation of methods and examples, might be difficult to navigate.

  • String Methods - A guide to string methods like .split() or .replace().



  • Exercises - Most of the inspiration for the challenges can be found here.

  • Largest Number - Different ways to find the largest number in an array

  • NodeList - Information regarding NodeLists

  • Apply - Information regarding the apply() method

  • Interview Questions - Some great potential interview question problems.

  • Sorting - Lots of information regarding sorting algorithms.

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