Iterating Over Arrays

A common thing to do with arrays is to iterate over each of the values of an array individually. There are two ways to do so: 1. A for() loop.

var emp = ['Joe King', 'Amanda Huggenkiss', 'Justin Thyme'];
for (var i = 0; i < emp.length; i++) {


Joe King
Amanda Huggenkiss
Justin Thyme
  1. A forEach() loop.

    var emps = ['Joe King', 'Amanda Huggenkiss', 'Justin Thyme'];
    emps.forEach(function(emp) {

    We can simplify the code above using an arrow function!

    var emps = ['Joe King', 'Amanda Huggenkiss', 'Justin Thyme'];
    emps.forEach(emp => console.log(emp));

    Our output is the same for all three actually.

Now that you're comfortable with the basics of arrays, we'll move on to array methods.

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