Individual Elements and Length

Individual Elements

If we wanted to know exactly who the second employee in our list was we could run this code:

var emp = ['Joe King', 'Amanda Huggenkiss', 'Justin Thyme'];

Your console should have displayed Amanda Huggenkiss. Remember we use emp[1] because arrays are zero-indexed.


There's also a way to find out the length of our array:

var emp = ['Joe King', 'Amanda Huggenkiss', 'Justin Thyme'];

Our output is 3. This is obviously because there are three elements in our array. You can also think of it as 3 is one more than the index of our final element. You could also write something like this:

var emp = ['Joe King', 'Amanda Huggenkiss', 'Justin Thyme'];
emp.length = 2;

Which would output as [ 'Joe King', 'Amanda Huggenkiss' ]. This is because we set emp.length equal to 2, meaning we only wanted the first two elements in the array.

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