Creating an Array

To create an array we use something called bracket syntax. It's more formally known as an array literal or array initializer and looks like this:

var arr = [element0, element1, ..., elementN];

elementN is the list of values for the array's elements.

We'll use an example of an employee list to cover some basic things regarding arrays.

var emp = [];
emp[0] = 'Joe King';
emp[1] = 'Amanda Huggenkiss';
emp[2] = 'Justin Thyme';

Your console window should look like this:

[ 'Joe King', 'Amanda Huggenkiss', 'Justin Thyme' ]

Let's discuss the parts of our array:

  • array name - emp

  • elements - emp[0], emp[1], and emp[2]

  • element values - 'Joe King', 'Amanda Huggenkiss', and 'Justin Thyme'

Fun fact: We could have populated our array at the same time we created it!

var emp = ['Joe King', 'Amanda Huggenkiss', 'Justin Thyme'];

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