.replace() Method

Use the .replace() method to search for a certain string and replace it with another. Take this sentence for example: "Your baby is going to be awesome regardless of it's gender." The sentence is incorrect; it uses the contraction it's (it is) rather than the possessive its. We can fix that using the .replace() method.

var wrong = "Your baby is going to be awesome regardless of it's gender.";

//replace it's with its
var notWrong = wrong.replace("it's", "its");



`Your baby is going to be awesome regardless of its gender.`

The one important thing to note is that the .replace() method is set up like so:

.replace("old", "new");

The first argument is what you want to replace and the second argument is what you want to replace it with.

By adding g for global and i for case insensitive, you can replace any instance of a string, regardless of whether it is upper or lowercase.

var str = "I have experience with HTML, C#, and javascript. Javascript is the language I enjoy the most.";

//search for any instance of "javascript" and replace it with "JavaScript"
var strNew = str.replace(/javascript/gi, "JavaScript");



`I have experience with HTML, C#, and JavaScript. JavaScript is the language I enjoy the most.`

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