We've spent a lot of time on uploading and displaying photos - let's delete them!!
Deleting Photos in the API
First, let's add a method in our PhotoService for deleting photos from Cloudinary. We already have a generic method for deleting entities from the database, so we don't have to write one in our PhotoService.
In IPhotoService.cs add the following method signatures:
We're adding another GetPhoto method - previously, we were returning a DTO - this time we need to return an actual entity so we can delete it from the database.
Now, let's implement them in our PhotoService concrete class:
public async Task<Photo> GetPhotoEntity(int id)
return await _context.Photos.FirstOrDefaultAsync(p => p.Id == id);
public object DeletePhotoFromCloudinary(string publicId)
var deleteParams = new DeletionParams(publicId);
return _cloudinary.Destroy(deleteParams).Result;
In the .API project, open up the PhotosController and add a new method called DeletePhoto()
public async Task<IActionResult> DeletePhoto(int userId, int id)
if (userId != int.Parse(User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value))
return Unauthorized();
var photoFromRepo = await _photoService.GetPhotoEntity(id);
if (photoFromRepo == null)
return NotFound();
if (photoFromRepo.IsMain)
return BadRequest("You cannot delete your main photo");
if (photoFromRepo.PublicId != null)
var result = _photoService.DeletePhotoFromCloudinary(photoFromRepo.PublicId).ToString();
if (result == "ok")
if (photoFromRepo.PublicId == null)
if (await _photoService.SaveAll())
return Ok();
return BadRequest("Failed to delete the photo");
Test out the API to see if you're able to successfully delete a photo.
Get a fresh token from the /auth/login endpoint.
Send a DELETE request to http://localhost:5000/api/users/{userId}/photos/{photoId}
You should get a 200 OK response:
Deleting Photos in Angular
First, we'll add a method to the user.service.ts file:
Great job! Everything should be working now. Feel free to play around in the app a bit and try uploading and deleting photos and see if you find any bugs. If you do - try to figure out how to fix it.
We've done quite a bit in this module and we've learned a lot!