2.8: Token Authentication


In order for our users to login, we will have to provide a token to verify their identity. This is better than having application make a call to the database to check credentials everytime they make a request. When a user logs in, they are given a token. All of their subsequent requests include that token - we don't have to query the database every time they make a request.

We'll be using a Token called a JSON Web Token (JWT)

A JWT has three parts:

  1. Header

    "alg": "HS512",     // algorithm used to encrypt the token
    "typ": "JWT"        // type of token
  1. Payload

    "nameid": "8",              // id
    "unique_name": "frank",     // username
    "nbf": 1511110407,          // when the token becomes valid (usually same as issued at)
    "exp": 1511196807,          // expiration
    "iat": 1511110407,          // when the token was issued.

The payload can contain lots of other information that we can provide. It's important to remember that the token can be easily decrypted - so, don't include information that should be secure.

  1. Secret

  base64UrlEncode(header) + "." +

The secret above is stored on the server - and is used to validate the token

Read more about JWT if you are interested or would like to understand more.

Adding a Token Key

To generate our JWT, we need to have a key that our server can use to validate tokens.

It could be hardcoded into the application - but, it's better to use a configuration file.

In appsettings.json - add a new section called AppSettings with a Token key.

As the value to the token key - choose almost anything you'd like. The key needs to be more than 8 characters long (4 bytes) to be successfully encrypted.

In the real world, this wouldn't be secure. You can go here and generate a more secure key if you'd like.

  "AppSettings": {
    "Token": "secretpassword12345"
  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "DefaultConnection": "Server=(localdb)\\mssqllocaldb;Database=EFConnect;Trusted_Connection=True;Integrated Security=SSPI"
  // ...

If you want to provide more security, you can prevent Git from checking in changes to this file so that it doesn't get pushed to GitHub.

git update-index --assume-unchanged appsettings.json

Git ignores this file from this point on.

To undo it if you need:

git update-index --no-assume-unchanged appsettings.json

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