Right now we have a problem - we have no validation for what the user submits. A user could create a new account with a blank username and password:
Add validation attributes to the UserForRegister class:
public class UserForRegister
public string Username { get; set; }
[StringLength(8, MinimumLength = 4, ErrorMessage = "Password must be between 4 and 8 characters.")]
public string Password { get; set; }
Check validation in the controller (whether or not the ModelState is valid):
public async Task<IActionResult> Register([FromBody] UserForRegister userForRegister)
return BadRequest(ModelState);
userForRegister.Username = userForRegister.Username.ToLower();
if (await _authService.UserExists(userForRegister.Username))
return BadRequest("Username is already taken");
var userToCreate = new User
Username = userForRegister.Username
var createUser = await _authService.Register(userToCreate, userForRegister.Password);
return StatusCode(201);
Let's test to see what we get if we try to submit blank user data now:
Cool! We're getting a 400 Bad Request along with the ModelState - providing us with a JSON object of the errors.
However, remember our check to see if a user already exists? We weren't adding that to the ModelState - we were just passing along a BadRequest with that one error. Let's improve that by rearranging our code by adding the 'user already exists' error to the ModelState.
We'll also add a null check to make sure the user isn't sending along an empty username.
public async Task<IActionResult> Register([FromBody] UserForRegister userForRegister)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userForRegister.Username))
userForRegister.Username = userForRegister.Username.ToLower();
if (await _authService.UserExists(userForRegister.Username))
ModelState.AddModelError("Username", "Username already exists");
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return BadRequest(ModelState);
var userToCreate = new User
Username = userForRegister.Username
var createUser = await _authService.Register(userToCreate, userForRegister.Password);
return StatusCode(201);
Let's check Postman again by sending another request with an already created user: