2.5: Switch Statements
In this module we'll study a type of conditional called a Switch
File Location
Right click on the solution you made in the first module
Go to Add > New Project and select Console App (.NET Framework)
Name it
Write your code for this module within
of that project
Switch Case
Let's start with an example of a switch case:
In the example above, we ask the user their name
We store that name as
. To standardize the input, we use.ToLower()
to convert the user's input to lowercase.We then use a
switch case
to go through the different values ofinputName
and have the console print the different outcomes. First, the program looks for fred, then karl, then john, and then has a case for none of those options, the default case.If 'fred' is the name entered, the program will run the expression in that case, and then it will stop.
Practice Challenge
Try making a switch case describing outputs for your different friends.
Practice Answer
Your switch would look something like this:
Feel free to do some more practice with switches, if you need it.
Next: Ternary Expressions
Last updated