1.0: Solution Setup

In this module we'll set up a new solution for our C# learning path.

File Location

  1. Create a folder where you would like to keep your solution, it's best to make this in your C drive. Call it something like: DotNetProjects.

  2. Open Visual Studio.

  3. Go to File > New Project.

  4. Select Windows Classic Desktop on the left sidebar and choose Console App (.NET Framework).

  5. Browse to the folder you created.

  6. Name the Project DataTypes and name the Solution CSharpFundamentals.

  7. Check Create directory and Create new Git repository.

  8. This will create a folder named CSharpFundamentals, a solution (.sln file) inside that folder named CSharpFundamentals, and a project called 0.01_Types_Variables.

  9. As you add more projects to the solution, there will be more folders added.

    • Note: When you need to re-open this solution, or other solutions you create, you'll open Visual Studio, go to File > Open > Project/Solution and browse to the [SolutionName].sln file.

  10. The Program.cs file in DataTypes is where you will be working in the next section.

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