6.0: Booleans

In this module, we'll be learning about booleans and boolean expressions.

File Location

  1. Right click on the solution.

  2. Go to Add > New Project.

  3. Select Console App (.NET Framework) and name it 06_booleans.

  4. Write your code for this module within Program.cs of that project.


  • The type bool represents a boolean value.

  • The value can either be true or false.

  • The default value is false.


We assign booleans values just like we did with strings, instead we are declaring them true or false.

bool isSad = false

bool isHappy = true

Comparison Operators

Booleans are often used with comparison operators(symbols), which creates the ability to write boolean expressions/boolean logic. Here are some comparison operators in C#:








Less than


Less than or equal to


Greater than


Greater than or equal to






Boolean Logic

You can use boolean logic to control the flow of the code in your programs. One way to control this flow is using if statements. If statements return a true or false value, and they are used with logical and relational operators.


Type the code below in your Program.cs file:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        int value = 100 / 2;
        if (value == 50)

  1. The == operator compares the variable to the value. If the value is exactly 50, the expression resolves to true.

  2. The if statement contains the logic that will run depending on the result of the previous comparison. If the expression was true(which it is), it will execute the code inside of the if statement and then continue to #3. If it wasn't true, it will bypass that expression and still continue to #3.

  3. This code is independent of the boolean expression and will run no matter what.


Now that you've had some experience with booleans, try some challenges in the following module before we move on to the next topic.

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