5.0: Strings
In this module we'll study String types in more depth, and study three ways to manipulate strings.
Strings, as briefly mentioned in a previous module, are just a collection of characters that can be stored and used throughout an application in different ways. Almost any text, single character, or number can be a string in C#. Strings are initialized by using double quotes in C#.
File Location
Right click on the solution. Click Add > New Project.
Select Console App (.NET Framework).
Name it
.Write your code for this module within the
of that project.
Declaring and Initializing Strings
See if you can remember how to do the following things:
declare a string called myName, but don't give it a value yet.
Declare a string and initialize it by giving it a value.
string myName;
string wholeName = "Douglas Crockford"
Joining Strings
In this module we'll explore common ways to manipulate strings.
Three Types of string manipulation
There are three common ways of manipulating strings in C#:
Composite Formatting
Let's start with string concatenation. In the Program.cs
file in 05_strings, add the following code:
With concatenation we use the +
operator to combine two strings. Notice the space after are and before the closing ". If there was no space, you would need to add one, like this:
Composite Formatting:
Composite formatting is another common way of manipulating strings. Add the following code to your Program.cs file:
Take a note of a few details here: 1. Composite formatting uses curly braces inside the string and a number inside the curly brace. Notice that the first variable is a 0 value in the curly brace, like an array.
A comma follows the string, then each variable name is added.
String Interpolation:
String interpolation is another common method of manipulating strings. Code and study the following:
Note a few things: 1. String interpolation requires that we use the $
before the string. 2. The dollar sign allows us to pass variables in directly to the curly braces.
Practice these 3 ways of joining strings together in your
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