1.0: Installation
Professional Gmail account
Professional Github Username
Visual Studio Community 2019
Visual Studio Code
Note: you will be creating many usernames and passwords for various sites throughout this course. Make a plan for remembering all of your information so you won't be slowed down by trying to track down this info.
Go to: https://accounts.google.com/SignUp?hl=en to create a Gmail account.
Pick a professional email address. Your account name should reflect your professional approach, as it will be used on your résumé, Github profile (more on this soon) and in connecting your account to developer tools.
GitHub Set up
Go to: https://github.com/
Pick a professional sounding username and a password
Click Signup for GitHub
GitHub is free and is used, to put it simply, to “save” code to a repository(repo). The instructor will have access to the repos in order to check the code for accuracy. Using GitHub will be explained on the first day of class, and just having the account ready before the class will suffice. A professional username is desirable, as you'll be sharing code with developers around the world and possibly future employers.
Go to: https://slack.com/downloads to download the desktop and/or mobile apps
You will be invited via email by Eleven Fifty Academy to join our slack channel. Slack is a key communication channel that we use throughout the program.
Git Installation
Go to: https://git-scm.com/download/win to download git.
The download will start automatically.
Installing git simply requires that you follow along with a wizard. Use the default settings when selecting components, but it is recommended that you select the Nano editor for your default, as Vim can be difficult to use.
If anything goes wrong, you can do it over again and your previous install will be overwritten.
While you’re waiting for the download, take a look at the documentation for using git. We will cover this in class on the first day, but it will help you understand git faster.
Visual Studio Code
Go to: https://code.visualstudio.com/ to download VS Code.
We will use VS Code as our text editor of choice in this course. If you already have experience with a different text editor, that's great! However, we will be using VS Code as a class, to ensure compatibility and instructional consistency. It is free and should not take too long to download.
Visual Studio Community 2019
Go to: https://www.visualstudio.com/downloads/ and download Visual Studio Community 2019 (free).
Follow along with the install wizard.
This may take quite awhile, so be sure to be plugged in to power and have good internet access.
See below for the items to add with the installation:
As we get into the C# part of the course we will transition to this editor.
Last updated