2.1: Module 2.1 The Tools

The Tools

2.1-1Text Editors

  • PHP is the programming language that is used to build WordPress sites. WordPress itself was created with PHP

  • PHP is a scripting language as opposed to a compiled language such as C#.Net . Scripting language simply means your code is not compiled into machine code but is

  • We must use a text editor or a dedicated programming editor to create our PHP pages. A word-processing program such as Microsoft Word would place control characters in your source code that will fail to interpret in PHP.

  • There are dozens of text editors we can use and feel free to use your preferred editor if you have one. The examples in this class are created using Adobe's free editor Brackets

Figure 1.1.1

2.1-2The WordPress Codex

The WordPress Codex is the official online manual for WordPress.There is a TON of information in this resource and you will likely use it often as a WordPress developer.

The WordPress Codex documents every template tag and function that is contained within WordPress. The WordPress Codex also contains useful tutorials and plugin documentation.

It is well worth the investment to spend some time looking through the WordPress Codex to learn more about the concepts and skills you will learn in this course. There is a large section devoted to WordPress lessons, how to development plugins, creating your own themes and child theme and much, much more!

You will find the WordPress Codex at the following link. Be sure to bookmark this link.


Figure 1.1.2

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