

Welcome to ElevenNote, an introductory note-taking application. In parts 1-11, we will be building an n-tier data application with an MVC presentation tier. In Part 12, we will go through the process of making a change to our app. Parts 13-18 will cover creating an API to talk to other presentation tiers.


Throughout this book, source material, and other documentation, you will notice formatting and jargon that may be unfamiliar to you. It is important to learn vocabulary that refers to concepts or constructs in programming. You may find this "learning a language so that you can learn a language" to be challenging, but rest assured that the terminology will come with time and by associating the words with concepts. In this book, bolded or italicized text indicates something that you should pay special attention to. Text that looks like this is used to indicate code you'll be writing. This may also be used to clarify a folder structure or show what commands executed on the command line should appear as. Links will be found periodically in this book. These links may connect you to an outside resource or send you to a tool that may be needed to perform a task. If you see a link, click on it: more often than not, it's something that will be valuable to your success.


Click here to get started by learning a few helpful tips to aid in your understanding.

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